Monday, January 6, 2020

Journey Through Hurts and Trauma

Immediately after a crisis or experiencing a traumatic event, one needs to be stabilized in physical safety, emotional support, and an increase in the basic sense of control. After the dust settles and things return to certain normality, companion and support become important.

The best strategy for journeying through difficult times is to face it with trusted people.  When we encourage dialogue and talk through difficult emotions rather than brushing them off, we help the body heal, the mind to clear, and the emotions to be expressed healthily.  We can also provide safety and comfort for our children to continue to thrive and grow.  Safety in the environment and comfort by following daily routine also provides space to heal and gather strength.  As we gain the momentum of reorienting and gaining strength, we can review what happens, learn new coping skills, and renew supporting networks.

The following videos may promote further understanding of various levels of hurt and trauma that people go through.

7 Ways Childhood Trauma Follow You Into Adulthood

The 5 Types of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Helping Your Child Cope with Media Coverage of Community Racial Trauma: Tips for Parents

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Journey Through Hurts and Trauma

Immediately after a crisis or experiencing a traumatic event, one needs to be stabilized in physical safety, emotional support, and an incre...